Bountiful, Beautiful, Blissful by Gurmukh
Prenatal Yoga & Natural Birth by Jeannine Parvati Baker
Yoga for Pregnancy by Judith Lasater
Calm Birth by Bruce Newman
Inner Beauty, Inner Light: Yoga for Pregnant Women by Frederick Leboyer, MD
The Art of Giving Birth: Chanting, Breathing, and Movement by Frederick Leboyer, MD
Ancient Map for Modern Birth by Pam England
Birthing From Within by Pam England
Labyrinth of Birth by Pam England
Transformed by Birth by Britta Bushnell
Great with Child by Beth Ann Fennelley
The Birth Partner by Penny Simkin
The Thinking Woman's Guide to a Better Birth by Henci Goer
Preparing for a Gentle Birth: The Pelvis in Pregnancy by Calais-Germain & Parés
A Modern Woman's Guide to A Natural Empowering Birth by Katrina Zaslavsky
Birth Without Violence by Frederick Leboyer
How to Heal a Bad Birth by Bruijn & Gould
Supporting Survivors of Sexual Abuse Through Pregnancy and Childbirth by Kicki Hansard
When Survivors Give Birth by Penny Simkin
Birth Trauma by Kim Thomas
Heal Your Birth Story by Maureen Campion
Trauma Informed Yoga by Joanne Spence
The Postnatal Depletion Cure by Dr. Oscar Serrallach
The First Forty Days by Heng Ou
The Fourth Trimster by Kimberly Ann Johnson
Pelvic Liberation by Leslie Howard
Lost Connections by Johann Hari
Lying-In: A History of Childbirth in America by Wertz & Wertz
Pushed: The Painful Truth about Childbirth & Modern Maternity Care by Jennifer Block​
The Nursing Mother's Companion by Kathleen Huggins
The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding by LLLI
The Awakened Family by Shefali Tsabary
The Conscious Parent by Shefali Tsabary
The Whole-Brain Child by Siegel & Bryson
Loving Hands by Frederick Leboyer
Positive Discipline by Jane Nelson
Mother Rising: The Blessingway Journey into Motherhood by Cortlund, Lucke & Watelet
Kundalini Rising (compilation of essays)

Nicolas Sorensen, LMT
Prenatal Deep Tissue Massage
Embody Wellness Center / Orem
Dr. James Beadle, DC
Chiropractor (specializes in atlas & prenatal care)
Sound Corrections / Orem
Dr. Steven Roushar, DC
Webster Certified Chiropractor
FLOW Chiropractic / Lehi
Vickie Sorensen, CM, MH
Full-Body Health Consultations
Pathway to Wellness / Cedar City
435-586-4854 (phone consultations)
Vickie Sorensen, CM, MH
Dietary Supplements & Herbal Remedies
Vickie Sorensen Nature Works
Maralee Santo, BioScan Certified
Supplements + Bio Scanning
Body In Balance / Orem
Anna Burch, IBCLC
Lactation Services
Prenatal Insights / Utah Valley
Stephanie Hadfield, IBCLC
Lactation Services
Lactation Link / Utah Valley
Jill Lancaster, RN, IBCLC
Lactation Services
Lactivist Activist / Utah Valley
Laura Parry, LCSW
Perinatal Mood Disorders / Lehi
Meg George, LCSW
Psychotherapy / Pleasant Grove
Emily Freeze, MPH, MA, LMFT
Family Counseling
New Beginnings / Provo
Pauli Hannan
Women's Health PT / Pleasant Grove
Megan Pratt, PT
Synergy Physical Therapy / Spanish Fork
Kalli Chason
Placental Encapsulation
Breathe Birth Care / Utah Valley
Nicolas Sorensen, LMT
Energy Work
Embody Wellness Center / Utah Valley
Heather Araos
Reiki Master Teacher
A Mother's Touch REIKI / Utah Valley
Deborah Wells
Energy Work
Coming to Clarity / Utah Valley
Em Thevenin​
Sex Educator & Vaginal Steam Practitioner
Honey Rose Haven / Online

"Doulas: A Documentary"
Doulas: A Documentary, explores the role of birth doulas both inside and outside of the birth room. Explaining both the logistics and the intricacies of doula care, it educates expectant parents while celebrating the process of supported birth. This movie is an ideal educational tool for childbirth educators, prenatal clinics, nursing schools, medical schools, and midwifery programs.
"Why Not Home?"
Why would doctors who attend birth in hospitals choose to have their own babies at home? What do they know about birth that others don't?
Join Jessicca Moore, filmmaker and nurse practitioner, on a compelling journey through maternity care in the United States. Told through the lens of doctors, nurses, and midwives, Why Not Home? examines the latest evidence on risks and rewards of different birth settings. The film presents a balanced and accessible view on the latest research, along with moving personal stories of medical practitioners faced with big decisions for their own growing families. Viewers are challenged to move beyond preconceived ideas, and to envision a fresh future for maternity care in America.
"Mama Sherpas: Midwives Across America"
With c-section rates dangerously over 30% in America, are midwives the solution? Executive produced by Ricki Lake and Abby Epstein, this topical documentary provides an investigative lens into how midwives work within the hospital system.
This film quietly shows the life of a home birth midwife, from prenatals, to births, to postpartums, while also examining what the birth environment looks like in states where home birth midwifery is not legal, and families are faced with fewer birth options.
"The Business of Being Born"
The Business of Being Born documents actual home births and water births. They follow Cara as she attends several births. It provides statistics about our current birthing techniques and the challenges faced by today's doctors. Many experts are interviewed and they cite a multitude of reasons for these challenges, such as the overuse of medical procedures in the interest of saving time.
"Pregnant in America"
When his wife became pregnant with their first child, Steve Buonaugurio documented the couple's experience with the American maternity system. It reveals the cabal of hospital, insurance and health organizations that puts profits before a pregnant woman's safety and health. Buonaugurio also records the couple's plans for a home birth, their ultimate defiance of the system.
Everyone loves Babies... Experience joy and happiness at its purest in this life-affirming, universal celebration of the magic and innocence of babies.
"The Milky Way"
The Milky Way is a documentary exposé about breastfeeding in the United States. It will make every viewer rethink how we treat mothers. The film will empower women to trust their body, their baby, and themselves in their unique journey.

“Although the popularly desired outcome is ‘healthy mother, healthy baby,’ I think there is room in that equation for ‘happy, non-traumatized, empowered and elated mother and baby.’”
—Midwifery Today
“There is a secret in our culture, and it’s not that birth is painful. It’s that women are strong.”
—Laura Stavoe Harm
“Birth is not only about making babies. Birth is about making mothers — strong, competent, capable mothers who trust themselves and know their inner strength.”
—Barbara Katz Rothman
“The power and intensity of your contractions cannot be stronger than you, because it is you.”
Successful childbirth depends on the acceptance of the process.”
—Suzanne Arms
“Rain, after all is only rain; it is not bad weather. So, also, pain is only pain unless we resist it, then it becomes torment.”
—I Ching
“In giving birth to our babies, we may find that we give birth to new possibilities within ourselves.”
—Myla + Jon Kabat-Zinn
“When enough women realize that birth is a time of great opportunity to get in touch with their true power, and when they are willing to assume responsibility for this, we will reclaim the power of birth and help move technology where it belongs–in the service of birthing women, not their master.”
—Christiane Northrup
“Let choice whisper in your ear and love murmur in your heart. Be ready. Here comes life.”
—Maya Angelou
“Just as a woman’s heart knows how and when to pump, her lungs to inhale, and her hand to pull back from fire, so she knows when and how to give birth.”
—Virginia DiOrio